Agriprenuer opportunities for youth empowerment

Over 60% of people in Southern Africa are under the age of 25; yet with little job creation currently in the rural areas where the majority of the population resides, there is a growing uncertainty over the region`s ability to tap this resource. Millions of jobs will have to be created each year in rural in order to realize the potential of our youthful population.

Studies show that agricultural growth in Sub-Saharan Africa has a more positive impact on reducing poverty compared to growth in other sectors, implying that tapping into the reservoir of employment opportunities in agriculture is indispensable for poverty reduction.

Furthermore, according to estimates by the World Bank, the agribusiness and logistics sector in Africa are set to mobilize about a trillion dollar business by 2030. These are also playing key roles in agricultural transformation through agricultural value-chain development.  ZA2 Agri seeks to ensure that the youth, and particularly young women, be empowered to take active part and benefit from such big and growing business opportunities.

Considering agriculture as an essential driver of economic development and an area of great opportunities for young people in Southern Africa, harnessing opportunities in agribusiness entrepreneurship and innovations, including in tech innovations, along the value chains, contributes to improving the sector’s image while increasing productivity and returns to investment. Access to more affordable smart devices mainly mobile phones, and increased connectivity creates an opportunity for adoption and therefore remains an open and clear avenue to support networking among youth, thus reducing their physical isolation in remote rural areas and facilitating access to information, employment and agribusiness services. With ZA2 Agri pivoting on the extensive use of technology in the agri sector, we seek to provide new employment opportunities that will attract more young people into the sector.